This is asbestos wrapped around a vent where it meets the floor. See what looks like white cardboard? That's asbestos and it should be professionally removed.
This home owner tried to remove the asbestos and insulation himself. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! IT IS VERY DANGEROUS! Please contact a professional.
This customer was sold his home by a real estate agent. That agent referred the home inspector. Another duct cleaning company came to his home and gave him a quote to have his ducts cleaned.
This customer was sold his home by a real estate agent. That agent referred the home inspector. Another duct cleaning company came to his home and gave him a quote to have his ducts cleaned. They never even went downstairs.
This customer was sold his home by a real estate agent. That agent referred the home inspector. Another duct cleaning company came to his home and gave him a quote to have his ducts cleaned. They never even went downstairs.
The white material is in between the floor joist. It is most likely asbestos. Notice it is frayed at the end and has been cut. A duct cleaner made the hole that the white plug is filling.
This type of asbestos looks like wall paper. The secondary pipes are completely wrapped.
The asbestos is degrading and is dangerous.
The ends of the asbestos are frayed and now will easily release fibers.